Document Type : Review Article


PhD in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Background and Aim: People always seek to provide security as one of their basic needs, also it has been considered as one of the important indicators of the quality of urban life from urban planners and managers point of view. Precisely, feeling of social security in urban spaces is one of the most important indicators of quality of life for citizens. With the increasing necessity of creating security in societies, the tools, methods and approaches to create and maintain it have undergone transformation. Therefore, urban management is one of the important aspects of urban planning, which is directly related to human societies, especially urban society, and creating social security; therefore, the aim of this research is to review the role and position of urban management in improving the social security of cities.
Methods:Methodology of this paper is library-analytical. First, definitions and theories have been collected through library studies. Second, for the data analysis, the review of the theoretical foundations and the research conducted in this field, the components of social security and the impact of the performance and role of urban management on each of them have been discussed.
Findings and Conclusion: Studies show that based on the coefficient of determination, 28% of the variance of the dependent variable is explained by the independent variable. Beta coefficient (BTA) also indicates a direct relationship between two independent and dependent variables. As a result, through the regression analysis of two variables, it can be concluded that the level of social security and crime prevention increases with the improvement of urban management performance.


Main Subjects

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